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Docker images

Pull images

Docker images are stored in GitHub Container Registry (GHCR), which is a Docker registry like Docker Hub. Public Docker images can be pulled anonymously from The inboard images are based on the official Python Docker images.

Simply running docker pull will pull the latest FastAPI image (Docker uses the latest tag by default). If specific versions of inboard or Python are desired, specify the version number at the beginning of the Docker tag as shown below (new in inboard version 0.6.0). All the available images are also provided with Alpine Linux builds, which are available by appending -alpine, and Debian "slim" builds, which are available by appending -slim (new in inboard version 0.11.0). Alpine and Debian slim users should be aware of their limitations.

Please see inboard Git tags, inboard PyPI release history, and inboard Docker images on GHCR for the latest version numbers and available Docker tags.

Example Docker tags

# Pull latest FastAPI image (Docker automatically appends the `latest` tag)
docker pull

# Pull latest version of each image
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

# Pull image from specific release
docker pull

# Pull image from latest minor version release (new in inboard 0.22.0)
docker pull

# Pull image with specific Python version
docker pull

# Pull image from latest minor release and with specific Python version
docker pull

# Append `-alpine` to image tags for Alpine Linux (new in inboard 0.11.0)
docker pull
docker pull

# Append `-slim` to any of the above for Debian slim (new in inboard 0.11.0)
docker pull
docker pull

Use images in a Dockerfile

For a Hatch project with the following directory structure:

  • repo/
    • package_name/
    • tests/
    • Dockerfile
    • pyproject.toml

The pyproject.toml could look like this:

Example pyproject.toml for Hatch project

build-backend = ""
requires = ["hatchling"]

authors = [{email = "", name = "Your Name"}]
dependencies = [
description = "Your project description here."
dynamic = ["version"]
license = "MIT"
name = "package-name"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.8.1,<4"

checks = [
docs = [
tests = [

exclude_lines = ["if TYPE_CHECKING:", "pragma: no cover"]
fail_under = 100
show_missing = true

command_line = "-m pytest"
source = ["package_name", "tests"]

include = ["/package_name"]

dev-mode = false
features = [
path = ".venv"

dev-mode = true
features = [
path = ".venv"

dev-mode = false
features = []
path = ".venv"

path = "package_name/"

profile = "black"
src_paths = ["package_name", "tests"]

files = ["**/*.py"]
plugins = "pydantic.mypy"
show_error_codes = true
strict = true

addopts = "-q"
minversion = "6.0"
testpaths = ["tests"]

The Dockerfile could look like this:

Example Dockerfile for Hatch project


# Set environment variables
ENV APP_MODULE=package_name.main:app

# Install Python requirements
COPY pyproject.toml /app/
RUN hatch env create production

# Install Python app
COPY package_name /app/package_name

# RUN command already included in base image

For a standard pip install:

  • repo/
    • package_name/
    • tests/
    • Dockerfile
    • requirements.txt

Packaging would be set up separately as described in the Python packaging user guide.

The requirements.txt could look like this:

Example requirements.txt for pip project


The Dockerfile could look like this:

Example Dockerfile for pip project


# Set environment variables
ENV APP_MODULE=package_name.main:app

# Install Python requirements
COPY requirements.txt /app/
RUN python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install Python app
COPY package_name /app/package_name

# RUN command already included in base image

Organizing the Dockerfile this way helps leverage the Docker build cache. Files and commands that change most frequently are added last to the Dockerfile. Next time the image is built, Docker will skip any layers that didn't change, speeding up builds.

The image could then be built with:

cd /path/to/repo
docker build . -t imagename:latest

The final argument is the Docker image name (imagename in this example). Replace with your image name.

Run containers

Run container:

docker run -d -p 80:80 imagename

Run container with mounted volume and Uvicorn reloading for development:

cd /path/to/repo
docker run -d -p 80:80 \
  -e "LOG_LEVEL=debug" -e "PROCESS_MANAGER=uvicorn" -e "WITH_RELOAD=true" \
  -v $(pwd)/package:/app/package imagename

Details on the docker run command:

  • -e "PROCESS_MANAGER=uvicorn" -e "WITH_RELOAD=true" will instruct to run Uvicorn with reloading and without Gunicorn. The Gunicorn configuration won't apply, but these environment variables will still work as described:
    • HOST
    • PORT
  • -v $(pwd)/package:/app/package: the specified directory (/path/to/repo/package in this example) will be mounted as a volume inside of the container at /app/package. When files in the working directory change, Docker and Uvicorn will sync the files to the running Docker container.

Docker and Hatch

This project uses Hatch for Python dependency management and packaging, and uses pipx to install Hatch in Docker:

  • ENV PATH=/opt/pipx/bin:/app/.venv/bin:$PATH is set first to prepare the $PATH.
  • pip is used to install pipx.
  • pipx is used to install Hatch, with PIPX_BIN_DIR=/opt/pipx/bin used to specify the location where pipx installs the Hatch command-line application, and PIPX_HOME=/opt/pipx/home used to specify the location for pipx itself.
  • hatch env create is used with HATCH_ENV_TYPE_VIRTUAL_PATH=.venv and WORKDIR=/app to create the virtualenv at /app/.venv and install the project's packages into the virtualenv.

With this approach:

  • Subsequent python commands use the executable at app/.venv/bin/python.
  • As long as HATCH_ENV_TYPE_VIRTUAL_PATH=.venv and WORKDIR /app are retained, subsequent Hatch commands use the same virtual environment at /app/.venv.

Docker and Poetry

This project now uses Hatch for Python dependency management and packaging. Poetry 1.1 was used before Hatch, and Poetry 1.1 is still included in the Docker images for backwards compatibility. If you have a downstream project using the inboard Docker images with a newer version of Poetry, you can add RUN pipx upgrade poetry or RUN pipx install poetry>1.2 --force to your Dockerfile to upgrade Poetry for your project.

As explained in python-poetry/poetry#1879, there were two conflicting conventions to consider when working with Poetry in Docker:

  1. Docker's convention is to not use virtualenvs, because containers themselves provide sufficient isolation.
  2. Poetry's convention is to always use virtualenvs, because of the reasons given in python-poetry/poetry#3209.

This project used pipx to install Poetry in Docker:

  • ENV PATH=/opt/pipx/bin:/app/.venv/bin:$PATH was set first to prepare the $PATH.
  • pip was used to install pipx.
  • pipx was used to install Poetry.
  • poetry install was used with POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_CREATE=true, POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=true and WORKDIR /app to install the project's packages into the virtualenv at /app/.venv.

With this approach:

  • Subsequent python commands used the executable at app/.venv/bin/python.
  • As long as POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT=true and WORKDIR /app were retained, subsequent Poetry commands used the same virtual environment at /app/.venv.

Linux distributions


The official Python Docker image is built on Debian Linux by default, with Alpine Linux builds also provided. Alpine is known for its security and small Docker image sizes.

Runtime determination of the Linux distribution

To determine the Linux distribution at runtime, it can be helpful to source /etc/os-release, which contains an ID variable specifying the distribution (alpine, debian, etc).

Alpine differs from Debian in some important ways, including:

  • Shell (Alpine does not use Bash by default)
  • Packages (Alpine uses apk as its package manager, and does not include some common packages like curl by default)
  • C standard library (Alpine uses musl instead of gcc)

The different C standard library is of particular note for Python packages, because binary package distributions may not be available for Alpine Linux. To work with these packages, their build dependencies must be installed, then the packages must be built from source. Users will typically then delete the build dependencies to keep the final Docker image size small.

The basic build dependencies used by inboard include gcc, libc-dev, and make. These may not be adequate to build all packages. For example, to install psycopg, it may be necessary to add more build dependencies, build the package, (optionally delete the build dependencies) and then include its libpq runtime dependency in the final image. A set of build dependencies for this scenario might look like the following:

Example Alpine Linux Dockerfile for PostgreSQL project

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
ENV APP_MODULE=mypackage.main:app
COPY pyproject.toml /app/

. /etc/os-release

if [ "$ID" = "alpine" ]; then
  apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-project \
    build-base freetype-dev gcc libc-dev libpng-dev make openblas-dev postgresql-dev

hatch env create production

if [ "$ID" = "alpine" ]; then
  apk del .build-project
  apk add --no-cache libpq

COPY mypackage /app/mypackage

Alpine Linux virtual packages

Adding --virtual .build-project creates a "virtual package" named .build-project that groups the rest of the dependencies listed. All of the dependencies can then be deleted as a set by simply referencing the name of the virtual package, like apk del .build-project.

Python packages with Rust extensions on Alpine Linux

As described above, Python packages can have C extensions. In addition, an increasing number of packages also feature Rust extensions. Building Python packages with Rust extensions will typically require installation of Rust and Cargo (apk add --no-cache rust cargo), as well as installation of a Python plugin like maturin or setuptools-rust (python3 -m pip install --no-cache-dir setuptools-rust). Remember to uninstall after (python3 -m pip uninstall -y setuptools-rust). The installed rust package should be retained.

In addition to build dependencies, Rust also has runtime dependencies, which are satisfied by the rust package installed with apk. The addition of the Rust runtime dependencies bloats Docker image sizes, and may make it impractical to work with Python packages that have Rust extensions on Alpine Linux. For related discussion, see rust-lang/rust#88221 and rust-lang/rustup#2213.

The good news - Python now supports binary package distributions built for musl-based Linux distributions like Alpine Linux. See PEP 656 and cibuildwheel for details.

Debian slim

The official Python Docker image provides "slim" variants of the Debian base images. These images are built on Debian, but then have the build dependencies removed after Python is installed. As with Alpine Linux, there are some caveats:

  • Commonly-used packages are removed, requiring reinstallation in downstream images.
  • The overall number of security vulnerabilities will be reduced as compared to the Debian base images, but vulnerabilities inherent to Debian will still remain.
  • If /etc/os-release is sourced, the $ID will still be debian, so custom environment variables or other methods must be used to identify images as "slim" variants.

A Dockerfile equivalent to the Alpine Linux example might look like the following:

Example Debian Linux slim Dockerfile for PostgreSQL project

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
ENV APP_MODULE=mypackage.main:app
COPY pyproject.toml /app/

. /etc/os-release

if [ "$ID" = "debian" ] && echo "$INBOARD_DOCKER_TAG" | grep -q "slim"; then
  apt-get update -qy
  apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends \
    gcc libc-dev make wget

hatch env create production

if [ "$ID" = "debian" ] && echo "$INBOARD_DOCKER_TAG" | grep -q "slim"; then
  apt-get purge --auto-remove -qy \
    gcc libc-dev make wget

COPY mypackage /app/mypackage

Redeclaring Docker build arguments

Why is ARG INBOARD_DOCKER_TAG repeated in the example above? To understand this, it is necessary to understand how ARG and FROM interact. Any ARGs before FROM are outside the Docker build context. In order to use them again inside the build context, they must be redeclared.

Here-documents in Dockerfiles

The RUN commands in the Dockerfiles above use a special syntax called a here-document, or "heredoc". This syntax allows multiple lines of text to be passed into a shell command, enabling Dockerfile RUN commands to be written like shell scripts, instead of having to jam commands into long run-on lines. Heredoc support was added to Dockerfiles in the 1.4.0 release.

For more info, see: